Zumba Isle of Man

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Party yourself into shape


The Creche 


  • Creche Times and Cost .
  • This is being updated.

  • Please check again Tuesday January 13 2015

The creche is only for children age 18 months and over

  • As there are only a few places per creche, advance booking is recommended


  • Creche is at Sandcastles Kindergarten, Beresford House, Douglas Promenade.     Telephone 612727.                   This is a 30 second walk from Silvercraigs




  • Mums who have babies, may bring them to the class either in a car seat ( if baby up to 6 months old) or worn in a sling. (Sorry but no buggies allowed in class, the bespoke wooden floor does not permit it)
  • Children worn in a sling may be more than 6 weeks old if born at term and up to 18 months old. ( Sorry! but any older might be too heavy to carry whilst dancing)
  • A back carrying sling is recommended if a baby is more than 6 months old and is able to sit up unaided.
  • "Ergo" is our recommended back carrying sling of choice, though there are  other good options as well
  • " Moby wrap" is our recommended front carrying sling of choice  




  • Shoes.                                   Recommeded            Cappezio Jazz trainers as seen on www.amazon.com or               Zumba trainers as seen on www.zumba.com or                    non-marking trainers( white soled)


  • Lots and lots of water


  • Well supporting sports bra