Zumba Isle of Man

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Party yourself into shape


Mama Conference 2012



 At the Mama Conference 2012, I had the privilege of meeting and spending time with  Ina May Gaskin and Dr Michel Odent, who have pioneered natural active labour for the past 50 years.


Belly dancing , is one way that certain cultures have devised over time to lower rates of fetal malpositioning in the last 3 months of pregnancy or even to change a baby's position during strong labour"

Quote from"Birth matters" p 64 Ina May Gaskin


 Dr. Michel Odent, the natural birth advocate has always advocated the"birth dance" of the pregnant woman,

something often seen during labor  


Group Photo From left to right :

Ina May Gaskin*, author of Spiritual midwifery and Birthing Matters

 Sheena Byrom,  author of Catching Babies, 

Dr Diana Tsagas-Cilliers GP,

Cass , Midwife and Mama Conference Organiser , 

Gillian Smith ,  Director of UK Board for Scotland Chair Royal College of Midwifery



EMAIL data72@gmail.com

CALL 677776

FACEBOOK " zumbagoldiom"


Antenatal Classes 


Expecting Mums

Zumba Testimonials



 "I liked keeping active so late on in pregnancy" Kim Kennington


“I loved the variety of movements. The standing and sitting was perfect"

 Voirrey Fargher


"I really enjoyed myself. The level of exercise was perfect!!”

Sharon Sweeney Browne   


"I liked the music and the fun moves"

Jenni Thomas


“I liked the interaction with other Mums to be and the intro at the start of class.

What a fun way to keep active in pregnancy!!"

 Stephanie Johnson



Classes Start


Wednesday January 14 2015




9:45  am -10:15  am  


5 pounds per class ( block of 10 classes)


7.50 pounds per class PAYG subject to availability